Sunday, August 29, 2010

Imminent Beaver Invasion

So I was sitting in my car, humming along to some Eagles song, on my way to lunch with my dad, minding my own buisiness on what had up until then been an obnoxiously uneventful day
and then
There was a fracking beaver. Digging in the dirt. In the middle of downtown. This, for those from places like Wisconsin or New England or Russia or wherever the heck beavers are prevalent, is not a typical occurrance. This is as close to a metropolis as you get in my area. It was right outside this hugeass apartment complex and mall. And a country club. Relevence failures, dialogue!

Me: *double takes* There was a beaver back there!
Dad: Lawlno.
Me: Lawlyeah.
Dad: Are you sure?
Me: I suppose it could have been a badger. (For the record, I am completely unaware of what a badger looks like. I just said it because it sounded a little more believable.)
Dad: I don't believe you. But I'm going to take an extra five mintues to circle around the block and prevent both of us from getting lunch even though we've both expressed the sentiment that we're fracking hungry.
Me: Mkayz.
*awkward pause as we round block*
Me: Yeah, no. That's not a beaver. It's a ferret.
Dad: Yeah. No. No, yeah it is. A beaver.
Me: Yeah. No. Yeah.
Dad: No, look at its tail!
*people behind us patiently lay on their horns*

So we left. It looked like a beaver, except for the tail. It had a little stumpy furry one, not the big flat characteristic tail. So in effect it looked like a hamster. One that's bigger than your head. Giant mutant hamster.
I saw beavers last week too, on a date with my girlfriend. We were walking by this creek behind her pool, and there they were, two or three beavers just chillaxing. She, after hearing this story, agrees with me that beavers and hamsters and other smallish mammals of the sort are massing their forces. Starting my weapons and rations stockpile now.
I had to look up how to spell fracking "imminent". Clearly, my brain is ready for me to start school again.

Word of the Day: Badger
Song of the Day: Annie Dan - Speechwriters LLC
Dead Composer of the Day: Gustav Mahler
Honorable Mention: Camille Saint-Saens

Monday, August 23, 2010

It Sucks When...

-your feet are sore
-your pecs are sore.
-your mom ruins your evening and throws a hissy fit about a reading project that isn't due for another two weeks plus.
-people you care about aren't happy.
-your trombone sounds like a garden hose.
-your baseball team is getting pwn'd.
-you have days when you just aren't yourself,
-and other people notice.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Life Isn't Interesting

My phone is on the cusp of death. I suppose it's entitled to be in such a state, it's been through a fair bit over the past couple of days. First, a week ago Thursday, I dropped it in a gutter during a frackinintense thunderstorm, where it was until it was found several hours later by a charitable cross-country runner. I should've kept better tabs on it, but in my defense, the gutter was a fracking white water river at that point, so I wouldn't have been able to find it even if I did notice I lost it. Luckily, the aforementioned C.C.C.R. gave it to a friend of mine, who in turn dropped it off at my house. And amazingly, although it was probly severely mentally (ADVERBS DO NOT WANT) traumatized by its experience, it still worked. The disconnect button didn't work, but I could function around that.
And then I screwed it over. In my Tuesday-morning rush to get ready for band camp, I pulled on the nearest pair of canvas shorts I could find, not realizing that they were an unwashed pair of converted swim trunks I wore at the beach ages ago. Being unwashed, they still had large quantities of sand - really really really fracking FINE sand, I might add - in the pockets. Oblivious to that fact, I proceeded to jam my pockets full of marching band supplies, most relevant of which was, you guessed it, my phone. By the time I realized this, my phone was basically a sour Skittle inside and out. Currently it's on life support - it'll only halfheartedly function when it's plugged in to a charger. Battery issue probs. I'll take it to a verizon store sometime soon, hopefully it was a good omen that my girlfriend got her iPhone replaced for free earlier this week.
In other news, one of my best friends moved to France today, he's actually probably in the middle of his flight right now. He's one of the cooler people I've ever met, but for some reason it hasn't really gotten to me yet, emotionally. It'll probably hit me once the school year starts, when his absence will be pointedly apparent. I miss him already though.
Marching band inside is kind of fun, especially when I'm an endpoint in a really complex and awesome move.

Song of the day: Taller Children - Elizabeth and the Catapault
Words of the day: Doubt

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Demotivational Sandals

While North Face is better known for their winterwear, jackets and such, they make apparel for other seasons as well. In fact, my favorite (i.e. only) pair of sandals are a mediocre pair from North Face. They do their job, they're pretty comfortable, so I wear them I fair amount. Therefore, they get a fair bit of wear on them. Their slogan - "Never Stop Exploring" - has worn off a bit where the balls of my feet rub against the sole, so now one reads "Stop Exploring" and the other reads "Never Stop Explod", the capitol R wore off to just the round bit on there. So I have quite demotivational flip-flops.
In other news, my back is like tree bark currently. I got the nastiest sunburn when I was down in Myrtle Beach with my girlfriend last week. That night was actually quite terrible, I think I had a touch of dehydration sickness as well, so I was in a half-awake state of pain and delirium all night, collapsing in fits of hysteric laughter every couple of minutes. It was definately an experience. But in any case, it's better now. But it's peeling like heck. And I went to a party last night, and wouldn't you know it, a Truth or Dare dare required me to take off my shirt and hop like a bunny. In my case, a shaved bunny with a bad case of shingles. It wasn't pleasant for all involved, I'm sure.
Started listening to the Scott Mills Daily this week, I appreciate their Britishness. And just about everything else about them. Anyone who's brilliant enough to combine the Jason Bourne trilogy and the music of ABBA in a one-man show is worth listening to, in my book.
My iPod is annoying when I want to listen to music on shuffle and something that my middle school band played years ago comes up. Or vise versa. But usually the former.

Song of the Day: Melectric - Ramona Falls
Word of the Day: Collective
Webcomic of the Day: Natalie Dee analyzes the itsy bitsy spider.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

6 lists

6 observations from Europe:
1. German and Austrian waitresses are all too willing to serve teenagers large amounts of alchohol.
2. Switzerland looks like Eastern Kentucky, but with more castles.
3. England is like Seattle, but with more castles.
4. Paris is the geographical equivolent of the butt of the most expensive cigar ever made.
5. Nick Jonas is well appreciated in Great Britain too, never fear.
6. String guys are intimidating.

5 favorite albums:
1. Let Live and Let Ghosts - Jukebox the Ghost
2. Origin of Symmetry - Muse
3. Parachutes - Coldplay
4. Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum - Tally Hall
5. The Bull Moose After Party - Speechwriters LLC

4 favorite musicals:
1. Les Miserables
2. Phantom of the Opera
3. Peter Pan
4. Chicago

3 pretty words:
1. Serendipity
2. Horchata
3. Precisely

2 instruments that bug the heck out of me when played badly:
1. Euphonium
2. Violin, paticularly 2nd violins.

1 is the lonliest number that you'll ever do: