Saturday, October 30, 2010


I ditched this blog for a while. But I feel like I should pick it back up. Just because I clearly don't have enough going on in my life.
And I'm at a loss for what to write about, but not for lack of material. I just have a lot of good halfbaked ideas swirling around in my head.
My old PC finally kicked the bucket. And then it came back from the dead. And refuses to re-die. It randomly crashed one day when I was checking my Facebook, so I turned it off. And then (the creepy part is coming, I promise) I waited for a few minutes. Ate a slice of pizza. Sent a text. And then I turned it back on. The computer complied in turning on, but the screen was just a black thing of blackness. So, doing the most intuitive thing that came to me at the time, I turned it back off.
And it turned itself back on.
And then I turned it back off.
And it turned itself back on.
The zombie computer was relentless; it took a complete shutdown of my power strip to finally bury it. At that point, my family basically gave up on it. We had put up with the suckishness of it, being slow to the point of being unable to play YouTube videos, or music on iTunes, or checking your email in less than ten minutes. Necromancy was the last straw, though.
So we got a Mac, about the size of my TV screen. So far it's fantastic; a lot faster and more intuitive than PC. The only complaint I have is that it didn't come with a legit word processor, although I can easily download iWork or Microsoft Office or something. GarageBand is also a bit of a bitch to work. Other than that the only bumps are getting used to the new commands and the smaller keyboard (damn you, tallperson hands). And the trackpad, but that's been fantastic so far.
I haven't been following the baseball postseason very closely, being heckishly busy with marching band and school (which started, btdubs), but I was really happy to see the Yankees and the Phillies lose to the smaller-market, championship-draught Rangers and Giants, respectively. The series is at 2-1 in favor of the Giants right now. I vote Giants in 7. The home field advantage in this series is a huge deal.
I'm debating doing NaNoWriMo. On one hand, it would be fun and probably rewarding even if I didn't finish. On the other, I could use my time for a lot more effective things, like practicing or homework or sleeping. I'm probably not going to end up doing it.
Phantom Regiment's 2008 DCI show is probably on of the most amazing things I've ever seen., if you're into that kind of thing. Or if you're into epicness in general.
Another complaint about the Mac: it automatically underlines words that don't exist, such as "epicness", "fwah", "pwn", "suckishness", "mah", and "psh", which are some of the most essential parts of my spoken vocabulary. Curse your lack of lexical creativity, Steve Jobs (iPad, iMac, iPod, iPhone? very uniform :P).
iMah. That isn't underlined. Whuuut. You're trying to subliminally brainwash me, Stevie.
(whut is also a non-Jobsian word)
Yet non-Jobsian is.
Rant rant rant.

Word of the Day: non-Jobsian
British Comedy of the Day: The IT Crowd
Symphony of the Day: Tchaikovsky 5. Specifically, movement number deux.
(Steve Jobs doesn't like French either.)

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